Saturday 4 February 2012

No More War! - 1

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“Timmy, are you ready?”

Diane shouted, as she rushed around the house trying to find abandoned school ties, football kits and shoes. 

“You are going to be late once more and remember what you teacher said about you being continually late”. 

“You don’t want her sending you to the principle office again”.  Diane knew that an empty threat would motivate him.

“Why can’t I stay home today?” Timmy whined.

“Daddy’s only been home for a short time, and I want to play with him”.

“Because your father needs rest, and you have all evening to hear his stories….now get a move on”. 

Her frustration grew! 

At present, home-life was stressful, and no matter how resilient she tried to be, this was a difficult time.   

Since Roger had returned from his latest tour in Afghanistan, he had hardly spoken to her or to Timmy. 
All he managed was a nodding of the head, and he only seemed to answer their countless questions when necessary, and to appease them. 

Roger had been back home for the last two months, and Timmy was only allowed an hour a day of his fathers presence, no wonder he thought his dad had only been home for a short time, understandably he missed him.

“Why can’t daddy walk me to school today”, Timmy called out eagerly.

Diane intervened to save Timmy from disappointment, and said that daddy had things to do this morning, and she would be walking him to school as per usual. 

This set Timmy off, and he began to protest profusely, demanding he gets his own way.  Diane raised her voice, hoping to end his countless demands and prevent yet another argument. 

Furthermore, she knew it was pointless trying to reason with Roger, the doctors had told her to let him rest and take his time to readjust back into the reality of civilian life. 

Listening to what the other army wives said about the ‘problems’ they had experienced, when their husbands had returned, she knew she was in for a stressful time. 

However, she believed that they would survive this ‘little crisis’ that her small family had to endure. 

She recalled how life was for them in the past, she and Roger had been very close, and they would therefore get through this period, this was only a temporary set back for him.  She believed that everything would be alright in time, well, at least this is what she would tell herself over and over again.

Who was she kidding? 

Things were never going to be the same again for Roger. 

Why, he was lucky to be alive!  

(C) 2012

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